Monday, September 12, 2005

P&G: taking over shelves you never thought of

Controversial as this stance may be, I don't believe it's possible to have too many Tides. Even if it means the inevitable advent of Tide with Febreze. Or, more accurately Tide (R) with Febreze (R)! But I do prefer Tide Original Scent and quietly celebrated this morning when I found it -- in the 200 fl oz size! -- at the Home Depot checkout line. Did it feel weird to purchase a detergent at Home Depot? Yes, yes it did. But the upside is I'm having it delivered along with the convection range.


Katie said...

I just picked up a (non-Tide) detergent that has the fabric softener already mixed in.

Irene Done said...

I've tried the Tide with Downy. Convenient? Yes. But it was also distressingly, overwhelmingly fragrant. A non-Tide version probably won't have that problem.

See. Variety is fun!